its me birfday today...whoopdedoo!!! nah, its been really nice. we had cake today which was really nice of everyone involved. one of the essentials to a good working environment imho is a policy of cake everytime its someone's b'day - this is especially important in a large group/organisation where it becomes practically a cake a day!!
anyway the only really annoying thing about today is that its one of those muggy, stifling days where it rains, shines and storms in rapid succession all day and the aircon at work isn't working - but in the grand scheme of things its not a critical problem that threatens my very survival is it? ...lucky that i've got clean running water, then i really would've gotten mad!!!!
read in the paper this morn about plans to bring in krispy kreme to melbourne this year... i for one condemn this move and would advise everyone to avoid this scourge...not to get all soapboxy about it but if there's one thing we don't need is another american multinational sponging off our sugar dependency! and to be quite honest the donuts aren't even that great - just deathdefyingly, tooth-achingly & enamel-erodingly sweet. where they get you is with the free sample donut they give you while you're waiting in line to order. i know what you're thinking: "hah! i'm eating my freebie donut and hightailing it out of there with nary a dent in my hip pocket!" WRONG MY FRIEND! what happens is this cynically Pavlovian marketing ploy is designed to sensitise your salivary glands such that you are compelled to have more, more, MORE - next thing you know you're out the door with dozen boxes of assorted donuts wondering when the lapse of decency occurred!!! don't believe me? ask yourself what prompts sensible humans coming from sydney to inflate their carry-on luggage quota with boxes of the stuff just cause sydney is "blessed" with a KK outlet at the airport? when i lived in calgary a few years ago a KK opened one weekend with much fanfare (nevermind that calgary like most canadian cities has a tim hortons on nearly every corner), complete with long lines, traffic jams, fisticuffs and even a silly old fool who came down from edmonton to camp outside the store a week in advance from its grand opening. KK is anticipated to grace our fair city sometime in june this year and is rumoured to be plonked down somewhere in outer suburbia....i now hold grave concerns for the orthodontic and metabolic future of my fellow citizens of melbourne if this corporate sugarlord is allowed to infect our populace with this corn syrup ensmothered scourge...don't say i didn't warn you!!!

catching up with the cybertimes and have decided its was hell and high time that i got around to inflicting my inflammatory views and thoughts onto the wider community...*mwaahahaha!* see the freaky collared cat there? that's just an example of the eye-popping, ear-curling reaction i'm going to aim for with this blog...*mwaahahaha!*
no not really, its just going to be an ordinary (most-likely boring?) blog about my daily doings and counting through the excruciating minutiae of what goes on in my world...enjoy!