Canberra got pelted a few nights ago with the kind of weather event that newspaper editors like to salivate over and print gratuitous images of lightning with premature proclamations of " storm of the century", as if daring mother nature to drive up the ante. It was also ironic timing that yesterday saw Canberra as the choice of location for a Global Warming Sceptics gathering at Parliament House, given the belief that extreme weather events such as tuesday night's "storm of the century" are the result of global warming caused by irresponsible humans and their dirty and polluting ways. Anyway it made for an exciting day yesterday and we got sent home early from work (which I won't complain about), so here are a few snapshots I took to commemorate the event (not as good as the ones from the age link though):
1. The culprit: cumulonimbus
2. The accomplice: hailstones... lots of them
3. Peaceful morning with little hint of what transpired earlier 4. Just another regular day in Canberra...