Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Momentary Commentary

I would like someone to explain to me this rather curious trend of ex-Liberal pollies suddenly developing moral backbones when they end their political reigns of terror. Jeff Kennett receeded out of the political limelight a number of years ago and eached an epiphany to become spokesperson for Beyond Blue. No doubt he was drumming up business for them all along when he was premier. Malcolm Fraser, who admittedly is not a new face to humanitarianism, still has the distinction of having been a Liberal (a PM no less) and that's bad enough in my books. However, his opinion piece in today's age made me raise my fist in the air and say "Yeah!". It highlighted well (at least in my mind) many of the moral shortcomings of the present government of which many of us already know, but don't hear about often enough in the mainstream media. But beyond this fist raising and blood boiling and the like it started to occur to me whether a similar thing might happen with little johnny when and if he ever gives australia a break and effs off to oblivion. Hard to imagine him ever having any shred of credibility in the sharing & caring stakes but then again I wouldn't put it past him to try...


M? said...

...Johnny on the side of law (forgetting this guy's a weaselly lawyer) and order? Has the world gone topsy-turvy?

When these ex-polies decide a PR make-over is needed to paint them into philanthropists and humanitarians it is a huge slap in the face to everyone who has ever been under their government(regardless of who voted for them). It's saying "I know what it is to be a leader and show mercy, justice, etc. but I just didn't feel like showing it to you when I was Prime Minister/Premier/Leader... you weren't worth it"

Belated acknowledgements... too late for those who are deserve it.

*fist raised, blood boiled, veins popped and damn angry*

Serenity Later said...

a more oxymoronic moniker for a political party than the Liberals i cannot think of ...although their neo-con counterparts in canada deserve a mention with their interesting name of 'progressive conservatives'

i think its fair to say that many people are dismayed at the direction our country's heading in but it just doesn't seem to inspire much action (no less dialogue) from the powers that be ...unless of course they are the kind who've been sent out to pasture and only now have discovered a conscience.