Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The FIFA's gone but now come the withdrawal symptoms

In a dramatic turn of events Italy, those Azzuri baccalades who broke Australia’s heart, emerged as the eventual winners of that month long tournament of futbol madness - FIFA if you like - known as the world cup. What can you say that hasn’t been said already? Who at some point hadn’t wished that refs grew extra eyes, preferably ones with 20:20 vision? Could anyone have predicted a Brazil-less final? How many yellow cards did it really take to eject a player off a game? Who would’ve contemplated the possibility of a brawl erupting between fans after a Germany/Poland game? What provoked Zizou to headbutt himself out of his last game and France out of likely victory? Is Cristiano Ronaldo the likely successor to David Beckham as the world game’s pretty boy? Where did Ned Zelic get those suits from and did the smirk come with them? Who out there felt that the tournament lacked the flamboyance of a Carlos Valderama-type 'fro? (Okay maybe just me). And lastly, will Australia ever get over their second-round loss to Italy once and for all? Time will only tell with regards to that last matter but what a ride it’s been: the dizzying highs, the terrifying lows, the drama, the excitement, the mayhem, the astounding win(s), the agonizing defeats and yes, the eventual return to normal sleep patterns.


kaluds said...

yesiree, you're certainly not alone in pining for your futbol, serenity. i'm finding it very tough to go without craig foster's big ties, rale rasic (that gorgeous antidote to sour ned!), those 5am wake-up calls, the dulcet tones of martin tyler and late nights/early mornings spent cursing the azzurri ... and it hasn't even been 48 hours >:-(

M? said...

Carlos Valderama is AWESOME!

Bring on the Top 10 ugliest players I say!

Great post Serenity!

Serenity Later said...

had a peek at the local premier stuff on channel 31 last night...dammit! it just wasn't the same *sigh*