Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tiptoe through them tulips...

...or daffodils?

...the artzy angled experimental shot,

the bold & the multihued

and some more daffodils... uh i mean tulips. Pretty though

---Floriade 2006---

Friday, September 29, 2006

Take this job and have it...staffed

The funny thing about the nature of my work (in general terms - nothing against my new job whatsoever!) is the fact that in spite of doing this thing for a number of years i still like to wonder about what i'd like to do when i "grow up", as if this was merely a transitory stage until I'm ready to enter the realm of the adult world where jobs are about business wear, trade mergers & acquisitions, working in cubicles and worrying about promotions (i based my perceptions of this world on Dilbert). Not that i actually hark for a day where i'd have to file reports and learn how to speak water cooler talk. If i were to have a dream job where by some freak of nature i am astoundingly talented at everything i do i'd like to take a punt on the following:

1. Nature documentary host ala David Attenborough - wouldn't it be great to marvel about weird glow in the dark bugs or the unusual mating habits of the tibetan monk frog of patagonia (not sure what makes it tibetan)? I'd love to adopt his endearing ways of speech...which by the way i swear i'm not kidding, i hear him playing inside on tv as i am typing this away.

2. Travel documentary host ala Catriona Rowntree (although i'd likely refrain from her one too many bikini shots or overuse of superlatives to state the bleeding obvious) - mainly to have a legitimate and fully funded reason to go on overseas junkets 356 days a year.

3. Iron chef food appraiser - how cool would it be to be one of those eminent guests of the chairman kaga's kitchen academy y'know the ones who at the end of the show decide whose cuisine reigns supreme!?

4. Vet (i'm with you on this Yossarian) - i love my animals and i'm not too idealistic or squeamish to be aware of the less cute & fuzzy aspects of this kind of work. Our little furry, scaled & feathered friends provide us with so many benefits and simple joys that we owe it to them to help them when they aren't feeling the best.

5. Singer/muso - sure laugh if you will...but one day I'll prove the critics wrong with my unique blend of funky blues & reggae with a touch of harmonising polka all done in the style of acapala.