Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tiptoe through them tulips...

...or daffodils?

...the artzy angled experimental shot,

the bold & the multihued

and some more daffodils... uh i mean tulips. Pretty though

---Floriade 2006---


kaluds said...

ah, the colours! gorgeous!

... and i love the Tiny Tim reference too ...

hope you're doing great & good to see that you're not too-under-the-pump at work to get a chance to check out Floriade ;-)

flygirl said...

i see we managed to work out the phone to internet transfer :-)

photos look great in real size!

hoping to catch them tulips next week...

Jonno said...

The second photo is awesome... Nice pictures...

M? said...

Heya Serenity,

Lovely pictures, pity the Floriade won't be there when i come to visit you- but then hopefully the boys from Urge Overkill will!

Strange thing happened over the weekend, I saw someone who looked exactly like you! In fact she even sounded like you and went by the same name.... Isn't that odd? ;)

Serenity Later said...

thanks folks! the floriade really does seem to bring out the amateur shutterbug in many...there must have been dozens of people on the day armed with tripods, zoom lens and a determined look on their faces.

kaluds - the colours were certainly awesome on the day; alas no Tiny Tim sightings or ukuleles for that matter!

flygirl - give us a bell if you plan to check them out this weekend, i wouldn't mind going again

jonno - thanks for your kind comments! the camera phone didn't do too bad of a job in the got better still when i finally worked out how to upload photos on my computer! gotta love these modern conveniences!

m's nemesis - y'know its funny you should say this because i had a strikingly similar experience this weekend too! i came across someone who looked and sounded EXACTLY like you and she even had the nerve to go by the same moniker...what do you make of that?!

jfox said...

gorgeous pics anthie!
canberra doesn't seem so bad - just wait until the summernats, then you'll be counting your lucky stars! hehe

M? said...

I would be the first to declare an all out war against these imposters- Who do they think they are gallivanting around under false pretenses disguised as you and I? O furgh!