Most readers are likely to have come across individuals who shirk in their duties of restoring order and organisation in a domestic or workplace setting. Often these individuals provoke exasperation in their work colleagues, spouses and family members by their endless excuses on why they are unable to complete tasks (usually of a domestic nature). Eventually this domestic incapacity leads to resentment from friends and family, and fuels the perception that afflicted individuals are merely lazy, selfish and inconsiderate. Experts in the treatment of systemic procrastination, however beg to differ and believe that those behavioural traits point to a particularly severe form of aversion neurosis. Professor Leth Argos, whose pioneering work on MoDeD led to the development of the miracle drug indolebant, believes that the pathological inability to complete domestic tasks may be a genuine condition that could have life-threatening implications (usually at the hand of an external party) unless treated. This aversion disorder, termed Adult-onset Domestic Hypersensitivity Disorder (ADHD), is unusual in that in appears to predominantly afflict (though not confined to) males. In its severest form it can manifest as a pseudoallergenic response, where the sufferer breaks out in a hives-type of rash at the slightest suggestion of a domestic-type activity, as well as when in contact with several leading brands of household cleaning agents.
Symptoms: hives, prolonged & opportune absences, defensive & argumentative behaviour, irrational thought & paranoia, domestic-related amnesia
Causes: unknown though its predominance in males suggests a possible role for testosterone
Treatment approach: a two-pronged attack is the recommended course of action involves prescribing a mild sedative and the domestic-specific stimulant Gedovuraz, as well as long-term cognitive therapy to help overcome the common anxieties associated with a return to domestic activities. A topical cortisol-type of cream to stave off the occassional hives attack may be useful in some individuals, though long-term cognitive therapy dealing with allergies and anxieties should reduce its necessity. With patience and understanding the frustration and human cost caused by ADHD affliction may become a thing of the past and help bring peace and harmony to workplaces and households around the world
Symptoms: hives, prolonged & opportune absences, defensive & argumentative behaviour, irrational thought & paranoia, domestic-related amnesia
Causes: unknown though its predominance in males suggests a possible role for testosterone
Treatment approach: a two-pronged attack is the recommended course of action involves prescribing a mild sedative and the domestic-specific stimulant Gedovuraz, as well as long-term cognitive therapy to help overcome the common anxieties associated with a return to domestic activities. A topical cortisol-type of cream to stave off the occassional hives attack may be useful in some individuals, though long-term cognitive therapy dealing with allergies and anxieties should reduce its necessity. With patience and understanding the frustration and human cost caused by ADHD affliction may become a thing of the past and help bring peace and harmony to workplaces and households around the world
Nice one Serenity! I didn't even know there was another ADHD, but you have shed light on this debilitating condition. I am particularly interested with the efficacy of the drug Gedovuraz- what is the LD50 and how many clinical trials have been conducted?
Let us hope that with the pioneering work of Prof Leth Argos will make this condition disappear forever! :)
hmm serenity .... i think your buddy Leth Argos is definitely on to something here - in fact reading through your description, i have a very strong hunch that my dad needs some Gedovuraz ... fast!!
you know how you mentioned that it seems to afflict males in particular? do you think it has anything to do with the Y chromosome?? ;-)
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