Thursday, July 05, 2007

What a Massive Duh!

Current theme: Political
Current mood: Soapbox-ey

Who was enlightened by the cat-out-the-bag moment blabbermouth Brendan Nelson experienced today giving us the goss that securing oil resources may have been a contributing factor in Australia's role in Iraq?

No, really! Get out!!!! Are you serious? So there weren't any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?! So we didn't give a crap about regime change?! So we weren't mad because Saddam made AWB executives look stoopid!? It wasn't about exacting revenge justice for the Kurds!? So it wasn't about bringing democracy to the Iraqis!?


I wonder if this is going to make one iota of a difference in the outcome of this years election?

*Translation: No shit Sherlock