Thursday, July 05, 2007

What a Massive Duh!

Current theme: Political
Current mood: Soapbox-ey

Who was enlightened by the cat-out-the-bag moment blabbermouth Brendan Nelson experienced today giving us the goss that securing oil resources may have been a contributing factor in Australia's role in Iraq?

No, really! Get out!!!! Are you serious? So there weren't any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?! So we didn't give a crap about regime change?! So we weren't mad because Saddam made AWB executives look stoopid!? It wasn't about exacting revenge justice for the Kurds!? So it wasn't about bringing democracy to the Iraqis!?


I wonder if this is going to make one iota of a difference in the outcome of this years election?

*Translation: No shit Sherlock


yossarian said...

thanks for the insight brendan! and an ever bigger thank you if you've just jeopardised little johnny's chances of re-election...the entire country owes you one ;-)

jfox said...

....well at least nelson's honest.

which is more than little johnny is with his amazing change of heart re: climate change and indigenous issues.

pls excuse me for being so cynical, serenity!!

i'll cry a million tears if howard/libs returns to government. here's to the desperate hope that they don't(again).

M? said...

It's sad but true that shoddy polly's breed shoddy politactics- so I'm not surprised that this has come about.

Is anyone listening though?

M? said...

The only good thing that could come of the libs returning to government would be if the likes of Dan K returns with another wonderful elegy... At least we know what we'll all be listening to!

Arghhh!!!!!! No more flyaway eyebrows and bullshit-they should stop insulting us with pathetic excuses for governing a country and move over so someone else can have a go!