Momentarily browsed the online news this morning and spotted something that nearly made me lose my breakfast:
"PM hints he is staying put"
...can you think of a scarier thought than another 3 or 4 more years with this simian overlord dreaming up of new ways to tell porkie pies and bleed us dry? its been said that nations, for better or worse, elect the leaders they deserve. if that's the case then australians must be really gagging for some punishment? well i for one am sick of this lying piece of toe cheese - and if i had it my way he would crawl back into the cave he came from and leave us alone....today!
Speaking of little men, news of this week's birth of the spawn of tom cruise has heralded the arrival of a new era, the so-called age of preparedness (...or something). Over the next couple of years an army of his offspring (rumours of artificial insemination notwithstanding) will be groomed as the army that's going to duke it out with the overlord with the weird nose accessory (as portrayed by john travolta in 'battlefield earth'). will they succeed? will they save earth? don't ask me, i didn't watch the movie...
i think it's going to be quite a feat to rid ourselves of this evil PM - it took him so long to get to where he is after all the leadership turmoil of the 80s, it's going to take a lot for him to give up his post. and even if he goes, we don't have much to look forward to from his trusty sidekick!
... and as for tom cruise's progeny ... did you hear about his thoughts on the nutritional value of the placenta????!!! now that's guaranteed to make you lose your breakfast!
...his trusty side kick who was begotten by a chicken f***er?
...beware of sedition... It's sorta like sedation but they can't spell!
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