Monday, June 25, 2007

Mondays. Don't like 'em.

Pretty self-explanatory post.

Current mood: Blah
Current weather outside: Double blah
Colour for such an occassion: Beige

Suitable I can has cheezburger pic:

You said it ginger and white cat with the glazed eye look.


Jonno said...

I concur with the entire post... One thing I'd add is something about work. I was in a surly mood today...

yossarian said...

hmm...i double concur with said post. mondays should be outlawed >:-(

jfox said...

is it only mondays? this weather makes everyday feel like a mondee...

flygirl said...

you said it! thanks for putting me on to the icanhascheezburger site, i am now addicted.